August 2023

Monday, 21 August 2023

Long COVID is devastating and far from rare. As infections rise again, why are we still ignoring it?

Philip Finkelstein, Salon: “If atypical alpha-synuclein is detected across long COVID patients, it’d be convincing evidence that the condition is the beginning of a developing neurodegenerative disease.”


Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Some Facts And Figures

Cheryl Rofer, Lawyers, Guns & Money: “But given the politics of the last few years, it ain’t gonna happen soon. Thus carbon capture is also one of the things we should do. We have to do EVERYTHING, NOW! Arguing is fun, but removing carbon dioxide and its sources is better.”


Sunday, 6 August 2023

Soft Power Is Making a Hard Return

J. Alex Tarquinio, Foreign Policy: “Only much later would some balletomanes understand that Nureyev self-identified as a Tatar and Baryshnikov as a Latvian.”
